Monday, June 1, 2009

Art- NarBeaver

Okay, so I figured I would add a new creature today. This is the NarBeaver.

On the writing front, I received a rejection for my story "Death in a Stairwell" Which you can read on this blog. I got some helpful comments though, so that's good. I am also waiting for a response from Crossed Genre's on a story I have yet to post anywhere. I'll let you know as soon as I do.

On a personal front, today I had the most terrifying job interview ever. I was grilled by a panel of people I have dubbed, the nice guy, the mean bastard, and the quite one. It was for a position as a 9-11 operator.
Part of the process is to take a lie detector test, so they asked the preliminary questions for that. Great way to start off an interview huh?


  1. I like the NarBeaver. It's cute. Also, I've had interviews like that they are awful aren't they?

  2. Extremely aweful. I think it's meant to see how I handle stress.
